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Beeswax Fire-starter Biscuits by Tu Bees
Beeswax Fire-starter Biscuits by Tu Bees

Beeswax Fire-starter Biscuits by Tu Bees

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Now you can enjoy lighting a campfire without needing to use paper.  These beeswax fire-starter biscuits are the perfect answer to any camper's dream.

The long burning fire starters are made with 100% cotton dipped in all natural beeswax, making them environmentally friendly, compact and super easy to use.

Directions:  Rip the biscuit in half, bend and place under your kindling or wood, and light the exposed cotton fibers.  Burn time for 1/2 a biscuit is 5-6 minutes.

Each tin contains 6 hand dipped fire-starter biscuits that are waterproof, non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

Each tin measures 3" across x 1.5" high.

Product of Canada 


The metal tin can be recycled

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